Birds New to Britain and Ireland

Poyser Monographs

Boken beskriver 83 arter som ble sett første gang i Storbritannia og Irland i perioden 1947 – 1982.

kr 888

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Produktnummer: 814355 Kategori:
Antall sider:280
Fotos - illustrasjoner:f-pl, s-h ill.
Serie:Poyser Monographs
Forfatter:J. T. R. Sharrock, P. J. Grant

Digitalt nytrykk av original fra 1983 (print on demand)

Forlagets egne omtale:

83 species featured in this book, in date sequence of discovery, had not been
recorded in Britain or Ireland before 1946.
The original accounts of the sightings published in issues of British Birds*
between 1947 and 1982 are now reprinted and supplemented with comment by Dr
Sharrock on subsequent occurrences and current status. In addition, Peter Grant
provides identification notes drawing attention to points not covered in the
original accounts. There is also a world distribution map for each species and a
line illustration to head each of the accounts.
At the end of the book a section of plates reproduces 81 ‘first-sighting’
photographs covering 32 of the species in the book.


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