Birds of Britain and Europe

Black’s Nature Guides

Felthåndbok med oversikt over 440 arter.

kr 174

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Produktnummer: 814026 Kategori:

Mer enn 1000 f-fotos»

Utgivelsesår: 2008-06
Antall sider: 256
Innbinding: Innbundet
ISBN: 9781408101551
Språk: Engelsk
Serie: Black’s Nature Guides
Forlag: AC Black
Forfatter: Volker Dierschke

This indispensable guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe is part of the new Black’s Nature Guide series. Over 440 species of bird are covered, each beautifully illustrated with detailed paintings and clear photographs. The images not only show you what the bird looks like in its habitat, but also focus in on specific features such as differentiation between male and female plumages. Clear and concise information is provided as well as excellent maps showing distribution.
