Birdsbesafe kattehalsbånd Celtic Wind

Birdsbesafe kattehalsbånd Celtic Wind er laget for å redusere katters mulighet til å fange fugler. Fuglene reagerer på de sterke fargene og kontrastene i halsbåndet og vil se katten og vil lettere kunne slippe unna et angrep.

kr 199

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Produktnummer: 530101 Kategori:

Katten stoler på sin kamuflasje, men med Birdsbesafe kattehalsbånd Celtic Wind er den mye lettere synlig for fuglene. Forskningsresultater viser at det reduserer antall fugler fanget med 87%!

Halsbåndet har også en reflekskant som gjør at det minsker faren for påkjørsel av biler og at katten blir lettere å finne om du bruker en lykt for å lete etter den.

Produsentens informasjon om Birdsbesafe kattehalsbånd Celtic Wind


Birdsbesafe Cotton Collar Covers

Our patented cat collars are made in the USA using all-cotton, washable fabric and are specifically designed to fit over standard breakaway collars. This means that our collar covers do not interfere with the safety feature of the breakaway collars, which are designed to release when snagged on an object, reducing the risk of choking or injury to your cat.

Celtic Wind Style

Bursting with fiery red, lush green, and sunny yellow traditional tribal prints, this cat collar cover captures the magic of an African sunset. This cat collar cover’s playful African colored stripes, inspired by the beauty of nature. Made from soft cotton, it comforts your kitty while notifying birds of your cats movements. Birds will be captivated by their vibrant presence, ensuring a delightful and safe playtime for all.

Reflective Trim For Night Safety

In addition to its unique design, our collar cover includes reflective piping trim that enhances car safety at night. You can rest assured that your cat will remain visible to drivers, reducing the risk of accidents.

Collar Cover Details

Birdsbesafe patented cat collar is a cotton fabric tube, open on both ends, and will come off for safety when used with a breakaway buckled collar. Birdsbesafe collar covers reduced bird captures by 87% independent scientific studies.

How it Works –  Cat Collar For Birds

Our collar covers work by making your cat more visible to birds, as the bright colors and patterns of the collar covers break up the cat’s silhouette, making it easier for birds to spot and avoid them. When kitty is indoors, you may want to remove the collar for their comfort so that they may easily eat, drink or groom.

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