Field Guide to the Micro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland, 2. utgave

2. utgave av Field Guide to the Micro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland illustrerer over 1300 arter mikro-moths i Storbritannia. Artene er tegnet i naturlige hvilestillinger. Boka er trolig også den mest oversiktlige for norske forhold, selv om en del arter ikke overlapper i utbredelse. Svært gode illustrasjoner!

kr 633

Tilgjengelighet Kun 1 på lager (kan også restbestilles)

Produktnummer: 850210 Kategori:
Utgivelsesår: 2023-12
Antall sider: 528
Fotos – illustrasjoner: 1500+ fargeillustrajoner, 900 utbredelseskart
Innbinding: Heftet
ISBN: 9781472993953
Språk: Engelsk
Serie: Bloomsbury Wildlife Guides (tidligere British Wildlife Field Guides)
Forlag: Bloomsbury Publishing
Forfatter: Phil Sterling, Mark S Parsons, Richard Lewington

Forlagets omtale

The fully revised and expanded second edition of the ground-breaking book that made the fascinating micro-moth group accessible to the general naturalist.

Written by a team of moth experts under the editorship of Phil Sterling, this is a complete guide to all the micro-moth families found in Great Britain and Ireland, including the Channel Islands. Species descriptions include field characters, similar species, flight season, habitat, larval foodplants, status and distribution. The introduction covers identifying, studying and finding micro-moths, including field techniques. Also included are innovative keys to families and genera.

The second edition covers a total of 1,300 species, with more than 1,500 detailed photographs and artworks, and 900 updated species distribution maps. Names and species order have been revised to reflect the latest published taxonomy and common names have also been added, making this a must-have introduction to British microlepidoptera.
