Finding Birds in North Spain

Boken (hefte) beskriver i detalj nøyaktig hvor du skal dra for å finne og fotografere de mest interessante fugleartene i den norlige delen av Spania.

kr 181

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Produktnummer: 814123 Kategori:
Utgivelsesår: 2017-01
Antall sider: 40
Fotos – illustrasjoner: kart
ISBN: 9781907316104
Språk: Engelsk
Serie: Dave Gosney’s Finding Birds Series
Forlag: Easybirder
Forfatter: Dave Gosney

Oppdatering til heftene i denne serien er tilgjengelig
som gratis app (tilgjengelig fra de fleste app stores) og kan bli lest på
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på en vanlig PC.
Oppdatering til heftene i denne serien er tilgjengelig
som gratis app (tilgjengelig fra de fleste app stores) og kan bli lest på
iphone, andre smarttelefoner, ipad, blackberry eller via
på en vanlig PC.

Dave Gosney writes:

‘This is much more than just an update of my previous book, ‘Finding Birds in Northern Spain’. Compared to that book, this one covers a much smaller area – from the mountains of the Picos de Europa to the plains of Lleida – in even more detail than before. It is based largely on recent visits to the area in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 and is full of first-hand observations showing eaxactly where I found the best birds.’

Unique features

Compared to other publications covering the same area, this one:

  • Provides the most detailed maps – so you can
    easily find your way to the best bits of woodland, tundra or shoreline
  • Includes GPS co-ordinates to help you find the
    right turnings, parking spaces or viewing points
  • Highlights the best areas only – and
    summarises the key attraction in the first paragraph so you can easily
    decide whether to read on or bother to visit the site
  • Has a map on the inside cover which serves as
    an index so you can easily find any site in the book
  • Is light and portable (and cheap)
  • Is updated via this website (which includes
    photos of many sites)
  • Is complemented by a DVD showing you exactly
    what it’s like to og birding in many of these sites

Dekker følgende områder:

Picos de Europa – including specific sites where you can see Wallcreeper, Snow Finch, Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Rock Thrush and ‘no-spotted’ Bluethroat

Villafafila – find out exactly where to see flocks of Great Bustards and breeding Lesser Kestrels

Gallocanta – possibly the most spectacular gathering of cranes you can witness in Europe

Pyrenees around Jaca – including the Hecho Valley, San Juan de la Pena, Astun, Riglos and Loarre

Sierra de Guara – including details of several sites where you can expect to find wallcreepers and three sites where food is put out to attract vultures including Lammergeiers.

The Zaragoza Plains – with specific details of 3 sites where you will find Dupont’s Larks, plus other sites for bustards, sandgrouse, Black Wheatear etc.


Delsum: kr 160 (inkl. mva)

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