Fungi Europaei Vol. 4

Lepiota s.l.

Italiensk monografi over europeiske parasollsopper. Gode beskrivelser av 156 arter og 31 varieteter. Iconografi bak i boken. Tekst på italiensk med nøkler på engelsk.

kr 1 072

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Produktnummer: 863173 Kategori:
Utgivelsesår: 1990
Antall sider: 740
Fotos – illustrasjoner: 80 fargeplansjer
Innbinding: Innbundet
Språk: Italiensk, delvis oversatt til engelsk
Serie: Fungi Europaei
Forlag: Edizoni Candusso
Forfatter: Massimo Candusso, Gianbattista Lanzoni

Fra forlagets egen omtale:

In the present work 156 species, 31 varieties and 4 forms are described, belonging to genus:

The micrographs which accompany the various species are the result of sundry collections, almost made by G. Lanzoni. Also the colour plates were mostly painted by A. Dermek, Bratislava in accordance with Lanzoni’s directions. Only keys to genera (subgenera) and for each genus to sections and subsections are provided. Several colour plates were made by E. Rebaudengo.

1990, 743 pp., hardback, 245mm x 180mm, 133 micrograph made by the Authors, 80 colour plates made by Aurel Dermek and E. Rebaudengo, italian, keys to Sections and Subsections italian/english.
