Mammals of South Asia

Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka

Oversikt over Sør-Asias pattedyr, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. Boken beskriver 540 arter. Engelsk navn, bevaringsstatus, habitat, illustrasjon og utbredelseskart er noe av det som oppgis på hver art.

kr 374

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Produktnummer: 830183 Kategori:
Antall sider:173
Fotos - illustrasjoner:Rikt illustrert med bilder og kart
Serie:Lynx Illustrated Checklists Collection
Forlag:Lynx Edicions
Forfatter:Andrew Elliott, Albert Martínez Vilalta

This illustrated checklist covers South Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka), a region with great habitat diversity which is especially rich in large mammalian life and attracts numerous wildlife watchers. Although not a traditional Field Guide, this book will equip both residents and visitors to the region with an easy-to-use resource that will allow them to quickly learn about the 540 species of mammals known to occur in the area.

This book is part of the Lynx Illustrated Checklists collection created from the vast wealth of data, illustrations and maps compiled for the Handbook of the Mammals of the Word series, that has been distilled into useful and portable books for your visit to a specific destination.

Highlighted features:

  • Short descriptive texts
  • Indications of the main habitats used
  • Distribution maps that include the latest published data
  • At least one illustration per species, complemented in some cases by others showing differences between sexes, subspecies, or various colour morphs.