Unlike all other monographs on the Golden Eagle, each of which had a regional focus on the study area of the author, this book represents the most wide-ranging compilation of Golden Eagle research ever. With over 175 authors reporting on more than 2000 combined field seasons, representing every biome where the species is found, this book marks one of the greatest attempts to describe the biology of any circumpolar species. Having more than 920 pages, over 1,500 illustrations, many never previously published, this work represents a truly global achievement. It merits a place in the library of every ornithologist and raptor enthusiast.
The Golden Eagle Around the World
A Monograph on a Holarctic Raptor
I motsetning til alle andre monografier om kongeørn, som hver hadde et regionalt fokus på studieområdet til forfatteren, representerer denne boken den mest omfattende samlingen av kongeørnforskning noensinne.
kr 1 253
Ikke på lager, kan bestilles
Utgivelsesår: | 2024-05 |
Antall sider: | 918 |
Fotos – illustrasjoner: | 1150 fargefotos, f. og s/h ill, f.kart, f. tabeller |
Innbinding: | Innbundet |
ISBN: | 9780888397751 |
Språk: | Engelsk |
Forlag: | Hancock House Publishers |
Forfatter: | David H. Ellis, Jesús Bautista Rodriguez, Catherine H. Ellis |
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