The SMM-U1 is a highly sensitive, low noise ultrasonic microphone, designed for recording ultrasound up to 190 kHz. One or two microphones can be attached via the connector module. The microphone is powered and can be used with up to 100 meters of cable, with no attenuation or degradation. The microphone has a differential output which significantly reduces noise from electromagnetic sources. The omni-directional SMM-U1 is ideal for unattended monitoring where the precise direction of bat activity is not known in advance.
«Wildlife Acoustics SMM-U2 Ultrasonic Microphone til SM3BAT, SM4BAT FS/ZC med 5m kabel – Sett til å plassere ute for opptak» er lagt til handlekurven din. Vis handlekurv
Wildlife Acoustics SMM-U1 Ultrasonic Microphone til SM3BAT, SM4BAT FS/ZC
SMM-U1 Ultrasonisk mikrofon for SM3BAT, SM4BAT FS/ZC
kr 4 091
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Wildlife Acoustics SMM-U2 Ultrasonic Microphone til SM3BAT, SM4BAT FS/ZC med 5m kabel – Sett til å plassere ute for opptak
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