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Collins Field Guides
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Spiders of Britain and Northern Europe
Collins Field Guide
Eneste felthåndbok på edderkopper for Europa. Over 450 arter illustrert.
Birds of Hawaii, New Zealand, and the Central and West Pacific
Ny og hendig felthånbok som dekker Hawaii, New Zealand og det sentrale og vestlige Stillehavet.
Birds of Eastern Africa
Collins Field Guide
Boka dekker fuglelivet i Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia and Socotra Island.
Birds of the Philippines: and Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo, Sulawesi, the Lesser Sundas and the Moluccas
Collins Field Guides
Birds of the Philippines: and Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo, Sulawesi, the Lesser Sundas and the Moluccas er en omfattende feltguide i den verdensberømte serien i Collins Field Guides.