Field Guide to Dragonflies of Great Britain and Europe

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Ny identifikasjonsbok på Europas øyenstikkere der mange av Europas beste felteksperter bidrar sammen med Richard Lewington som illlustratør. Han regnes for å være Europas beste illustratør av insekter. Gode kritikker.

kr 396

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Produktnummer: 850309 Kategori:
Utgivelsesår: 2020-10
Antall sider: 336
Fotos – illustrasjoner: Gjennomillustrert i farger
Innbinding: Heftet
ISBN: 9781472943958
Språk: Engelsk
Serie: Bloomsbury Wildlife Guides (tidligere British Wildlife Field Guides)
Forlag: Bloomsbury Publishing
Forfatter: Klaas-Douwe B. Dijkstra, Asmus Schröter

Field Guide to Dragonflies of Great Britain and Europe covers all of Europe, from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean basin, including western Turkey, Cyprus, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and the Azores, Canaries and Madeira.

A revised and thoroughly updated edition of the definitive guide to identifying dragonflies in Europe.

The first edition of the Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe was a ground-breaking identification guide that led to an increase in Odonata recording across Europe.

The second edition includes fully revised regional guides and identification texts, updated distribution maps and conservation statuses, illustrated accounts for five species that have been discovered in the region since the first edition, updated checklists and taxonomy, and new photographs throughout, as well as an introduction to larvae identification. Each species is lavishly illustrated with artworks of males, females and variations, as well as close-ups of important characters.

Table of Contents


Regional guide to dragonflies

