This brand new illustrated field guide covers all 47 species of ladybird occurring in the British Isles in a handy and easy-to-use format. Twenty-seven species are colourful and conspicuous and easily recognised as ladybirds; the remaining species are more challenging, but the clear illustrations and up-to-date text in this guide will help to break down the identification barriers. A useful introduction provides an overview of ladybird ecology, tips on studying and recording, and suggested sites for finding ladybirds. The main part of the book comprises detailed species texts, covering field characters, food, habitats, suggested survey methods, ranges, conservation statuses and distribution trends. An illustrated at-a-glance identification guide and helpful pointers for differentiating similar-looking species are also included. With 102 colour photographs and 47 distribution maps, combined with Richard Lewington’s peerless artwork, this is the definitive guide to one of our most cherished and charismatic insect groups.
Field Guide to the Ladybirds of Great Britain and Ireland
Field Guide to the Ladybirds of Great Britain and Ireland dekker alle 47 artene av marihøner som opptrert på de Britiske øyer i en hendig format.
kr 428
Ikke på lager, kan bestilles
Utgivelsesår: | 2018-11 |
Antall sider: | 160 |
Fotos – illustrasjoner: | 130 fargetegninger, 100 fargefoto og 47 kart |
Innbinding: | Heftet |
ISBN: | 9781472935687 |
Språk: | Engelsk |
Serie: | Bloomsbury Wildlife Guides (tidligere British Wildlife Field Guides) |
Forlag: | Bloomsbury Publishing |
Forfatter: | Helen E. Roy, Peter Brown |
Table of Contents
Ladybird habitats
Regional guides
Using this field guide
At-a-glance guide
Conspicuous ladybirds
Inconspicuous ladybirds
Similar species
Potential new species
Useful resources
Plant names
Animal names
Photographic credits
Relaterte produkter
Insektenes hemmeligheter
Bli med på oppdagelsesferd i insektenes verden!
I denne boka finner du fortellinger om insekter som lever i Norge, enten det er nede i vannet i sjøer og bekker, i skogen, i hagen din eller inne i huset ditt. -
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A Photographic Field Guide to Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Dragonflies and Butterflies
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Verden under vann
Målet med denne boka er å ta deg med på en reise ned i min verden. Ned i tareskogen, til de stupbratte sidene til undervannsvulkaner, ned i det knusende, beksvarte dypet og inn i det bankende hjertet av jordkloden.
The European Families of the Diptera
Identification, diagnosis, biology
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